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Mr. Twist Himself

Mr Twist

Mr. Twist has bought three Medieval ruins in France to stop the Ostriches, Rhinos and Beavers getting their paws on them.  He plans to keep one for himself as a lived-in living ruin and to invite unsuspecting guests for dinner who haven’t seen this website. 


He also has a lost village somewhere in Europe, but he won’t tell anyone where it is.

Mr. Twist wishes to thank the following architects, archaeologists and aesthetes for agreeing or disagreeing with his Theory of Ruins as Ruins:  Hortense Acton, Caterina Bicocchi, Veronica Boswell, Christopher Choa, Jason Cooper, Edoarda Corradi, Erik de Bourbon de Parme, Benedetta Dubini, Umku Imam, Sophie Ketley-van Leeuwen, Anne McCabe, Patricia Sendin, Federico Spadini, Spyros Stravoravdis, Sonia Troanca, Janey Ylvisaker.

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Mr. Twist is the fictitious name and persona of Mark Dixon.

© Mark Dixon, 2016-2024. All rights reserved.

The Movement for the Preservation and Enjoyment of Ruins as Ruins was founded by Mark Dixon in 2016.

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